Thursday, October 30, 2014

Jonathan Safran Foer Webinar Reaction Assignment

Category: Persuasive, informative
Name of the presenter: Jonathan Safran Foer
Title of the Video: Jonathan Safran Foer Webinar
Date Accessed: October 28, 2014

Descriptions of three stand-out moments from the video, and why you chose them.
One of the standout moments that I found important and educational was when Safran Foer addressed the fact that there are 50 billion animals factory farmed each year. This is a sad case but informs what most people aren’t aware of. This extremely large number should be taken into perspective because of the amount of animals being affected.

A standout moment from his book that I found to be intriguing was that three to four million dogs and cats are euthanized annually. I am against this, but he makes a strong case about all the meat that is being thrown away from these animals. It is important to note that millions of pounds of meat are put to waste because it is socially unacceptable to eat these household pets with emotional attachment.

The final moment was his statement that there is no chance that half of Americans will be vegetarians in 10 years. I believe this is important because it shows that most of the people in America are unaware of the negative factors that are caused by the meat industry and the harm it has been doing. This is a serious topic that more people should be informed about.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Latin Roots #5

Roots and Derivatives

  1. cent(i)- hundred
  2. cid(e)- cut, kill
  3. clam, claim- cry out, declare
  4. cord, cour- heart
Word List
  1. bicentennial- A celebration of a 200th anniversary; a happening once in a period of 200 years or lasting 200 years
  2. centenarian-  a person who has lived to be 100 years old
  3. centurion- a Roman officer commanding one hundred men; related to the military mind, especially as it favors military solutions for handling social prpblems
  4. clamorous- characterized by continuous loud and complaining voices; noisily complaining; insistent
  5. concise- covering much in few words; brief and to the point
  6. concordance- a condition of harmony or agreement; an alphabetical index indicating reference passages, as form a writers works
  7. cordial- of the heart; warm and friendly; amiable
  8. discordant- sounding harsh or inharmonious; clashing
  9. genocide- the systematic extermination of an ethnic group
  10. incisive- keenly penetrating; cutting into
  11. proclamation- an official statement or announcement that informs or honors 
  12. reclaim- to claim again; to restore to former importance or usefulness

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Latin Roots #4

Roots and Derivatives

bon, boun (good): bonus, bounty, bountiful, bonify, boon, bon voyage, bonhomie
capit, capt(head, chief, leader):capital, captain, capitalize, decapitate, per capita, capitol
carn(i) (flesh): carnal, carnality, carnival, carnation, carnify
ced(e), ceed, cess (go, yield, surrender): recede, proceed, success, concede, exceed, procession, unprecedented

Word List

accession- the attainment of a certain rank or dignity; an increase by means of something added; the act of becoming joined.
Sentence: In Buddhism, the accession was to reach enlightenment.

bona fide- In good faith: genuine.
Sentence: The painting was bona fide

bonanza- a sudden and unexpected source of money or riches: a windfall
Sentence: Winning the lottery gets you a bonanza.

bounteous-inclined to be generous; plentiful and abundant
Sentence: Our water supply is not bounteous at the moment.

-a surrendering, usually upon prearranged terms or conditions: a final giving up
Sentence: Japan made a capitulation after being bombed.

- a great slaughter, as in battle
Sentence: The war left behind a carnage.

flesh eating, as an animal
Sentence: A lot of dinosaurs were carnivorous animals

literally, in the flesh: in bodily form: personified: flesh-colored
Sentence: The girl looked naked because she had an incarnate dress on.

intercede- to act on another's behalf: to mediate
Sentence: The boy's mother interceded when her son was falsely accused.

a previous act or decision taken as a valid model; having gone before
Sentence:  The father was a precedent to his son.

 a brief repetition; a summary, as of what has already been said
Sentence: College students need a recapitulation of every class lesson.

 a thing that is reborn, or comes back into being, although perhaps in a different (bodily) form.
Sentence: Buddhists believed in reincarnation.