Sunday, November 16, 2014

Literature Analysis 2

Part 1: The climax of this novel is when Gatsby takes on Thomas. Another possibility for the climax could be at the dinner. Also, it could be when Daisy rejects Gatsby. The exposition of this novel is when Nick rents a house in West Egg and meets Gatsby.

Part 2: The main theme of this novel has to do with wealth. Fitzgerald addresses this by portraying the newly rich as being vulgar. He wrote about this to show differences of the wealth classes. He did this because at the time their was a decline in the american dream.

Part 3: The protagonist was Gatsby. He was not a dynamic character because he remained the same throughout the novel. Another major character is Nick Carraway. He is important to this novel because he is the narrator, so the story is told through him.

Part 4: A significant motif from this novel would be the geography. This symbol functions to show that it took place in a wealthy area and it also showed various aspects of the 1920's. This reveals that the characters were wealthy and connects with the theme.

Part 5: I chose this book because it was suggested to me by a friend. It came to my attention because my friend summarized the novel and make it sound interesting. The fascinating aspects of aristocracy in the 1920's kept me intrigued and want to continue reading. Also, Gatsby's character kept the book interesting to keep up with him and the events that occurred.

Part 6: I'm not sure I can make much connections to this novel because I'm not familiar with much aristocracy. One of the aspects that I can connect between the novel and my life is seeing rejection based on the social class that one is in.

Part 7: One idea that i expect to remember for a long time from this book is that wealth doesn't always get you what you want. This was my choice because it is important to realize that wealth doesn't necessarily mean happiness and to be happy with what you have. This book teaches multiple things like aristocracy in the 1920's, different wealth classes, and how life was in rich areas.

Antigone quick write

First of all, I would attempt to take my parents back to the machine and try to fix them to how they were before. If this was able to happen I would have my parents arrange a dinner and invite our uncle over and poison his food so my parents could regain control. This event would most likely not occur but it is worth a shot. Secondly, I would try to convince my sister and tell her to stand up for what she believes in and lie and say that since our uncle is the king he wouldn’t sentence us to the death penalty. In order to start convincing her I would tell her to do small crimes that she could get away with first to build her confidence and not be as scared.