Monday, December 15, 2014

Lit Analysis #3

   In life, every person’s behavior is different depending on who is in their presence.  This is inescapable, even if it is a simple difference of thought when associating with different types of people.  In the case for some Chinese-Americans, the conflict of having to choose between the characteristics of the heritage and the characteristics of their illustration of a normal American in order to fit in can be a difficult conflict to overcome and deal with. 
           Genuineness is one of the greatest attributes one can possess.  The ability to remain consistently authentic is something that can only be mastered through confidence and being comfortable with whom you are.  In the perspective of a Chinese-American, one of the most difficult tasks possible is to keep their pride with also trying to fit in. American society can give the impression some people who appear different that they are aliens and can only be accepted if they change to become less different from them.  A shallow or insecure person would try to transform and be accepted. Others who are stronger would rather value who they are even if it means having a low quantity of associates.

            Individuals will never be able to be able to approach situations in life in the potentially best way possible when the have to deceive themselves and others in order to create a mental artificial comfort that shuns reality.  Being real with oneself is always necessary in the pursuit of becoming the best version of yourself.  Without confidence and an open mind, one can never accomplish anything of significance in the same quality as if they would if they possessed that mentality.  In the perspective of a Chinese-American, although acceptance might feel satisfying to some degree, they would never be exempted of the grotesque weights of insecurity and low self-esteem and self-confidence because they would only be receiving an artificial experience that is untrue to oneself.

            Perspective is everything in life.  It is our reception of things and determines how we interpret and apply them into our own lives to make us intellectually wiser.   Several things can alter the clarity of our outlook such as ignorance and interpersonal conflicts such as the inability to comfortable with who we are and using that to relay a positive and confident outlook on life in order to remain genuine and restrain ourselves from deceiving ourselves which can be proven to be one of the most dangerous yet common blindfolds placed over our eyes by society.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Diction Worksheets

1. An example of low or informal diction is, "...I only climbed on the spare spar and leaned over the rail as far as I could, to bring my eyes nearer to that mystery floating alongside."

2. Words & Definitions
-Opaque: not able to be seen through
-Elongated: unusually long in relation to its width.
-Phosphorescent: something glows with light without becoming hot to the touch
-Elusive: difficult to find, catch, or achieve.
-Immersed: dip or submerge in a liquid
-Cadaverous: resembling a corpse in being very pale, thin, or bony
-Ghastly: causing great horror or fear; frightful or macabre

Paraphrasing the paragraph:

The side of the ship made a hazy belt of shadow on the darkling glassy shimmer of the sea. I saw at once something extended and pale floating very close to the ladder. Before i could form a guess a faint flash of shimmering light, which seemed to issue suddenly from the naked body of a man, flickered in the sleeping water with the intangible, silent play of summer lighting in a night sky. With a gasp I saw revealed to my stare a pair of feet, the long legs, a broad livid back shot right up to my neck in a greenish cadaverous glow. As he hung by the ladder, like a resting swimmer, the sea lighting played about his limbs at every stir, and he appeared in it terrible, silvery, fishlike.

3. The elevated language contributes to the tone to make it sound more formal and more mysterious. Paraphrasing the passage affects the tone in a casual way. It sounds less formal and when reading the passage, it's not as intriguing as reading elevated words since it makes it sound better.

4. 4 examples of concrete diction in the passage are:
- phosphorescent light
-opaque belt of shadow
- a board livid back immersed right up to the neck in a greenish cadaverous glow.
- a headless corpse

5. The author chose to leave the captain, the ship, and the crew nameless in the story because he wanted the readers to still keep thinking and being in a way clueless as to who was being described. The elevated words are the ones which unveil what the objects are and how they look like.

6. The denotative meaning of the title The Secret Sharer is of a person who talks about their side that other people don't see, which is dark.





resembling a corpse in being very pale, thin, or bony



of or relating to growing darkness.



light in color or having little color.



something glows with light without becoming hot to the touch



causing great horror or fear; frightful or macabre



having no head

No mind


a characteristic of a fish