Tuesday, August 26, 2014

BOR Research Essay

Miguel Cruz
Block 2
Birth Order Research Essay
            Would birth order research be accurate when describing you? I would fit into the category of the youngest child. A few of the findings that would relate to me would be that I’m absentminded and tend to be impatient. The motivating factor of youngest children of “do it now and worry later,” wouldn't fit me.
            First of all, the trait of being absentminded can be used to describe me. I always tend to forget about things and get distracted very easily. One example of me being absentminded is right now because I can’t focus on this essay. If I see or hear something I stop and then when I try to start writing again I doze off and daydream.  Another example is that I have a short attention span and can’t pay attention for long periods of time. Last year, the classes were an hour and thirty minutes long and I would lose focus multiple times throughout the class. This trait is very accurate for me.
            Also, the other trait that I can relate to is that I’m impatient. If I wait for anything for too long I tend to get aggravated or annoyed. When I’m at the doctor and they take long to attend me I start asking the nurses when they’ll take me in because I don’t want to wait any longer. Another example would be when I’m going to meet up somewhere with a friend and they take too long to get there. I always end up getting mad at them. Finally, when I get out of basketball practice and my mom takes too long to pick me up I get annoyed because I’m usually one of the last ones to leave. These are all examples of how impatient I am.
            The motivating factor of the youngest children from birth order research is “do it now and worry later,” but it is inaccurate for me. I always tend to procrastinate. If I have an assignment for one week, I’ll do it the day before it’s due. An example would be that I did the summer assignments for AP World History and English Honors 2 during the last three days of summer. I don’t think I have ever completed a long-term assignment the first day I received it. This factor could fit other people who fit in the category of youngest children but it doesn't work for me.
            In conclusion, birth order research has some accurate traits that fit me but a motivational factor that opposes to me. I feel like this has good traits that fit the youngest children. This has changed my views because I felt like not much people had the traits I do. It turns out most of the youngest children are somewhat like me and doesn't make me feel like an outcast.


1 comment:

  1. I agree with the statement you mentioned referring to you demonstating absentmindedness regularly. www.youtube.com/watch?v=24KTBp8qQIo
