Sunday, September 28, 2014

Literature Analysis #1

Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut

Plot: Billy (protagonist) is transported in a crowded railway boxcar to a POW camp in Germany. One night, Allied forces bomb the city, then drop bombs to create a firestorm that sucks most of the oxygen into the fire killing about 130,000 people.

Theme: The theme of this story would probably be that war isn't the answer. The bombing of Dresden during World War || destroyed the whole city and killed around 130,000 people.

I chose this book because I like reading about events that happened during wars. This book made me enjoy it because of the action and events that took place all throughout the novel.

This novel was somewhat realistic because it was based on the authors own experience from World War ||. I couldn't find anything to relate to from this novel because I haven't experienced a war in my lifetime.


  1. I read this book too! I really liked it(:

  2. The length and description of this Literature Analysis Post is too vast and advanced for my comprehension so I am intellectually incapable of stating a comment relating to this masterpiece.
